Blue Mountains (ll) N S W - Three Sisters ?

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Following Oztours comments, I had another look at the files and found an image of what I think are called The Three Sisters. The entire area was magnificent nearly 10 years ago to the day but I understand was horribly burnt a couple of years ago. After the devastation caused by our Knysna fire of 2017, I don't want to imagine the aftermath in this beautiful place.

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Interesting when you walk down to the base of these three outcrops to look back at the lookout, it is cantilevered out over a rather long drop which most people do not realise when taking in the view..
Horribly burnt out this year. Something like 80% of the Blue Mountains National Park area impacted, not to mention the rest of the east coast. After the fires, I was able to visit the area of Mallacoota on the coastline. The devastation was unbelievable, but at the same time, seeing mother nature fighting back so rapidly was also incredible. I will post some shots in a new thread as soon as I can.
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