Blue-Spotted Ribbontail Ray

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These are the most common rays I have seen in the Red Sea. They are smaller (up to 90cm/3ft) and tend to hide in the sand. This is a smaller one - maybe 60cm/2ft.
If you are careful they can be approached for closer shots using your zoom. Note that even a small distance difference affects the color absorption by the water.
Both shots using Nikon1 J3, WP-N2 housing, Sola 1200 Photo Dive Light, 10-30mm f/3.5-5.6 lens at 30cm for closeup shot and 10cm for wide angle shot. LrC.

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Wonderful, Joe! For a moment there I thought - the colours - it was that highy poisonous octopus from Oz waters, can't remember the name!
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Nice shots Joe, as Kathy said it's good to see these photos. It's something I've never tried, one reason is that my nearest sea is the North Sea and one can't see more than about 6 inches in that murky water!!