Breakfast in South Portland

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Taken early morning at nest in SoPo, Maine. These birds are awesome. Dad brings breakfast, The two youngsters are ready to chow down as mom looks on lovingly .
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Nice capture but two things I noticed that stood out were the blue color in the left wing and some outline around the bird in certain spots, mainly the top of the right wing.
Nice capture but two things I noticed that stood out were the blue color in the left wing and some outline around the bird in certain spots, mainly the top of the right wing.
Thanks for the feedback. I really like the interaction of the birds around the arrival of the fish. So, with a little more effort, I’ll try to figure out what buttons to push and which sliders to slide to improve the shot. Feedback always appreciated.
Thanks for the feedback. I really like the interaction of the birds around the arrival of the fish. So, with a little more effort, I’ll try to figure out what buttons to push and which sliders to slide to improve the shot. Feedback always appreciated.
I used to do the same thing when increasing color and exp. If you don't look close, it's easy to miss.