Brown-hooded Kingfisher,

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Supporting Member
Brown-hooded Kingfisher, Halcyon albiventris, Bruinkopvisvanger, Braunkopfliest, Pica-peixe-de-barrete-castanho, Martin-chasseur à tête brune, Bruinkapijsvogel ! Dimorphic birds with male having a black back and female a brown back, not always easy to see and distinguish.
All images from Kruger NP, shot from the car window.
Male ~ D300; 200-400 F/4 + 1.4 TC; F/6.3; 1/640; ISO 640

D3OO #1 30695W.jpg
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Female ~ D300; 200-400 F/4 + 1.4 TC; F/9; 1/320; ISO 640

D3OO #1 31545W.jpg
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Male ~ D300; 200-400 F/4 + 1.4 TC; F/6.3; 1/640; ISO 640

D3OO #1 40698W.jpg
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Male front view ~ D300; 200-400 F/4 + 1.4 TC; F/8; 1/400; ISO 640

D3OO #1 40712W.jpg
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