Brown Pelicans - Flight, Shadows, Resting

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Hooligans Imagery

Michael H
Supporting Member
I spent more time on the Pelicans from La Jolla Cove. A couple of these were jpg only that I opened in Camera Raw. For the life of me I can't understand how I managed that. Need to look and see if I didn't transfer the entire RAW set. The light was hard to manage and most of these were in shot in Highlight Protected mode. Overall a great learning experience.

PS these are posted using IMGBB with BBCode Full as the link method. With that you can paste directly into the text of the message. I am finding this presents sharper images here. What I haven't figured out yet is how to show the EXIF so if anyone knows please share.

Flight shots

I was able to get more the wings in the first one- compared to prior post.


Morning Sun Shadows





Resting birds



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Stunning set! Some of the shots appear underexposed.
Clearly - was mostly using highlight weighted metering on the Z9. Even with that many of the shots had blown highlights so had to make some decisions. With more time I would blend two exposures from the RAW images. I ended up liking this effect and don't have the time right now to do the additional processing. Thanks for looking.