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Finally i got some time to look a bit for bugs. Even a few clouds showed up to diffuse the sun a bit.

Thanks for looking!

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Great shots; I thought from the title you meant IN the house. Maybe I should start a collection of images called ”What’s Under the Paw” cause the ones in the house become cat toys.

I love the first one posing for you.
Gorgeous images !
Great shots! I'm a stink bug fan and #2 is my favorite.
Thanks! I kind of like them as well..

Great shots; I thought from the title you meant IN the house. Maybe I should start a collection of images called ”What’s Under the Paw” cause the ones in the house become cat toys.

I love the first one posing for you.
Hehe! Thanks. My cat is like that as well.

Great shots. That first shot, I keep expecting the bug to wave hello :)
"Its that way!" Thanks!

+1 for Steven’s comment!
Bugs can be quite interesting to observe, but I totally get it if you're not a big fan, especially when they start invading your house. I've been dealing with some pest issues myself, and it's definitely not fun.
While searching for solutions, I came across a pest control company that seems to offer effective services. They specialize in wasp pest control and have a range of options to tackle different pest problems. If you are interested, you can take a look at them at ajverminatorpestcontrol.com. They might have some helpful tips or services that could assist you in dealing with the bugs around your house.
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Bugs can be quite interesting to observe, but I totally get it if you're not a big fan, especially when they start invading your house. I've been dealing with some pest issues myself, and it's definitely not fun.
While searching for solutions, I came across a pest control company that seems to offer effective services. They specialize in wasp pest control and have a range of options to tackle different pest problems. If you are interested, you can take a look at them at ajverminatorpestcontrol.com. They might have some helpful tips or services that could assist you in dealing with the bugs around your house.
Thanks for your reply!
These are shot in my garden and not inside my house.
So no pest control needed and actually we let part of our garden kind of wild in part of keep up biodiversity...