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One of the biggest Bull Moose I've ever seen in my neck of the woods.

HC Bull Moose_copy_1332x886.jpg
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HC Bull Moose 7_copy_1318x877.jpg
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One strange animal, meant in a nice way as it is unlike any here. Love that goatee too. The rack is awesome; I really love the colour of the veld? bush around him, very pleasing!
Your title realy had me wondering, so I googled and low and behold, Bullwinkle J. Moose is an animated character! Love it!!!:love: He never made it across the pond like White fang did! 🤣
He’s a beauty! Awesome series.

Thank you!
Very nice photos and impressive animal!

Thanks so much.
Great photos! The bottom one may be one of the best I have seen of a moose head/face! Good work!

Thanks for the kind words.
Your title realy had me wondering, so I googled and low and behold, Bullwinkle J. Moose is an animated character! Love it!!!:love: He never made it across the pond like White fang did! 🤣

I didn't see his sidekick Rocket J Squirrel anywhere. 🤪