Burrowing Owl

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As one who is crazy about birds in general, it was great to know of some burrowing owls within a day's drive out in South Dakota. I'll be going back in early September and hopefully they are still there (at least the Badlands will be). Got a few shots though they were skittish; this is just a "bird on a post" shot but kind of liked his pose.

z burrowing owl 3.jpg
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Nice. We have them here in the Tucson area but I have never been able to photograph one. For a while I was even seeing one on the railing of an arroyo that runs through the parking lot of a shopping center.
Very nice shot of one of my favorite birds. Sadly the family I usually shoot is being displaced by a new warehouse being built in the field they lived in. No one seems to know what will/has happen(ed) to them.
Very nice shot of one of my favorite birds. Sadly the family I usually shoot is being displaced by a new warehouse being built in the field they lived in. No one seems to know what will/has happen(ed) to them.
So sorry to hear that, it's too bad they can't be protected. They are such lovely birds.