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Supporting Member
Was not expecting to come upon a Beaver, let alone five of them, standing in the spot I was, but a thundering tail slap (just love how loud the slaps are!) told me they were there before I saw them. Interestingly the only other alarm slap was when I was leaving and again not in a clear sight line for the beavers to me. I was able to get quite close (so as long as they could keep an eye on me they were'nt overly concerned), tho not as low with the camera as I'd have liked given the amount of grass and reeds in the marshy spot they had flooded. At that I did kneel in one of the most, ah, pungent muds ever; could barely focus the camera my eyes were watering so much LOL The light was just horrible (full hot sun about three hours after sunrise) -- I was heading back to the car at this point of the morning, tho the harsh light did for this shot nicely throw the greens onto the water.
beaver in green.jpg
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Was not expecting to come upon a Beaver, let alone five of them, standing in the spot I was, but a thundering tail slap (just love how loud the slaps are!) told me they were there before I saw them. Interestingly the only other alarm slap was when I was leaving and again not in a clear sight line for the beavers to me. I was able to get quite close (so as long as they could keep an eye on me they were'nt overly concerned), tho not as low with the camera as I'd have liked given the amount of grass and reeds in the marshy spot they had flooded. At that I did kneel in one of the most, ah, pungent muds ever; could barely focus the camera my eyes were watering so much LOL The light was just horrible (full hot sun about three hours after sunrise) -- I was heading back to the car at this point of the morning, tho the harsh light did for this shot nicely throw the greens onto the water.
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Excellent shot Steven! You were ready and did what was necessary to get the shot. I’m with Dan. I felt like I was right there watching .