If you would like to post, you'll need to register. Note that if you have a BCG store account, you'll need a new, separate account here (we keep the two sites separate for security purposes).

If you're going to give something away, at least do so to a charitable organization...and take the tax deduction! :)

I recently sold a 500pf that I bought new a while after it was released...caught it on a pre-Christmas sale at $300 off. I posted it here, on CraigsList locally and also on FB Marketplace. I don't recall for sure if it was on this site or Fred Miranda, but there was woman offering one for $1500 and including a TC1.4E III and FTZ! I listed mine for $2k with standard supplied accessories and the original was used, but not abused, in what I'd consider excellent condition. The buyer agreed (met in person) and paid me the asking price, NQA, within a couple days of listing the lens. I got a bunch of grief and low-ball offers on FB and messages saying I was crazy to ask that price...idiots!

Bottom line, know the market, know the value of what you're selling and don't get in a rush. My standard line to anyone that low balls me right off the bat is "If I still have it in 60 days, maybe we can negotiate.". :)