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Well-known member
I saw the buzzard sitting in the meadow but he directly took off

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usually when this happens the camera and lens are in the back seat, or still in the backpack... Grrrrrr
Gordon ;) Drive with one hand, the camera resting on your thigh,lens down, it works faster! I now travel anywhere with the two bodies open on a cushion on the floor at my wife's feet or behind her, but most of the time, one body and lens rides on my leg when i am in a NR.
Gordon ;) Drive with one hand, the camera resting on your thigh,lens down, it works faster! I now travel anywhere with the two bodies open on a cushion on the floor at my wife's feet or behind her, but most of the time, one body and lens rides on my leg when i am in a NR.

I always seem to wait just a little to late... LOL. Gotta work on that part! or find someone to ride shotgun and hold it... ummm maybe not. :ROFLMAO: