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We just got back from a desert trip. We were battling the wind for a lot of it.
I haven't had time (and may not for a while) to process many photos yet, but here are a few favorites of mine so far. The Anna's hummingbird spotted and ate a bug in front of me, the Loggerhead shrike came in for a brief visit, and the Ash-throated flycatcher was on it's morning rounds.
The rattler didn't seem to like me trying to get to eye level. Seeing as this was a 4 ft guy I didn't try to get many pictures. (The snake photos aren't cropped at all.) A time whan I appreciate having a 500mm.
I'm learning how to process better but need a new computer before I can make use of LR. It's on the list. Still using NX Studio for now.
I'll add more photos later when I can.
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Looked like you had a successful outing!
Thanks! It was great fun despite the wind.

The flycatchers and hummingbirds are fun to watch and try to capture the moment they see an airborne insect, and burst out and get it. They must have great vision. I tried to get a few others and hope they turned out okay.