California Condors on the North Kaibab National Forest

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Condors x 3Perched North Kaibab 12112006.jpg
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Reminds me of the three vultures in one of Disneys cartoons, watcha gonna do next?
The last few had just been collected on my only trip to California so sadly missed them. Hopefully It looks like a happy and new beginning.
Good to see them, read they were seriously endangered!
At this time I think there are about 500 individuals, and guessing around 200 to 250 in the wild, introduced in several locations. All my images are taken in Arizona in the vicinity of Marble Canyon, Vermillion Cliffs, Grand Canyon National Park and North Kaibab National Forest. Think they were down to about 20 birds when they were brought into captivity. They are now successfully breeding in the wild, but lead in carcasses is a real detriment.