Calliope Hummingbird?

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I believe this is a Calliope Hummingbird, but would appreciate confirmation from the knowledgeable group here. I don't believe it is an Anna's as the coloring on the top of the head looks too purple (to me at least).

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Where did you see this bird? It looks like an immature male Anna's to me. On a calliope I think the gorget would be more streaked looking (although hard to tell with a young bird), and I think the tail feathers might not have the white/black contrast. I think calliopes also have more tan/orange on the sides of the abdomen, although this is also variable with age I think.
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Where did you see this bird? It looks like an immature male Anna's to me. On a caliope I think the gorget would be more streaked looking (although hard to tell with a young bird), and I think the tail feathers might not have the white/black contrast. I think caliopes also have more tan/orange on the sides of the abdomen, although this is also variable with age I think.
I'm in East Wenatchee (North Central Washington State). There are Anna's here also, so that makes sense. He just looks a lot smaller than the Anna's I would see in Seattle.