Camera Bag ... DIVIDERS!

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For those of us that have lots of camera bags, we have extra dividers.

For bags we used to have, we still have the dividers for those as well.

And finally, for those of us that are downsizing and are thinking of just getting rid of the several bags of unused dividers:

Should I just toss 'em?
Did you?
If so, do you regret having done so?

Thanks, Chris
(Image from the web, for clarity of what I mean by dividers)

I keep mine, I tend to stick them flat to the outer side walls to give some extra protection especially when travelling. Also if you have a spare divider stuck to the side you can quickly change from a one long lens configuration to two smaller lens bag configuration.
I do the same, especially along the bottom edge of the bag to give a little extra padding when I set the bag down.