Camera dolly

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I have been looking at various makes of desktop motorised slider dolly's for around £50 +/-. What stops me is the battery is rechargeable via a USB port and not removable. I can't understand why not. So not even able to insert a spare battery, must be one of the only gadgets that doesn't allow this
Just ordered one from amazon. Little trick I use, I sign up for Amazon Prime order an item (ususally discounted special offer) then cancel prime membership straight away. By doing this it is next day free delivery and save a few £s. who said I was a tight AR*SE?.
ok it came late last night
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First impressions

yes well built and does what it says on the tin

However it does have a few drawbacks

I bent the USB contact and had to strip down the gadget to bend it back in place to my mind it should have been securely fixed inside
Getting it to run in a straight line needs several goes to get it to do so. made scrct marks which might help
The motor is noisy so needs the audio deleted in post production
It even in slow setting is really to fast for closeup work but ok for distance
If I had to pay full price I think it would have gone back but I got it at half price so can't really complain
Only tried it with a compact camera so no idea How a DSLR would work with it yet
Setting it up for circular subject all round view does take time getting everything in position and camera focus speed needs to be quite fast .
No idea how long the battery lasts before charging up (if it does no idication at tghe moment)

have to use it a bit more before final judgment as this as i said is first impressions

hope this is of some help
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Just ordered one from amazon. Little trick I use, I sign up for Amazon Prime order an item (ususally discounted special offer) then cancel prime membership straight away. By doing this it is next day free delivery and save a few £s. who said I was a tight AR*SE?.

Amazon Prime is essential for me. I live in Hawaii, and shipping here is very expensive. Prime is a bargain compared to paying to ship all of the stuff I buy. Basically one large or heavy item more than pays the price of Prime each year. Even if you don't have shipping costs as high as we do here if you buy a lot of stuff (as most people do these days) you will easily save money with Prime. And a lot better than trying to cheat the system, IMO.
Amazon Prime is essential for me. I live in Hawaii, and shipping here is very expensive. Prime is a bargain compared to paying to ship all of the stuff I buy. Basically one large or heavy item more than pays the price of Prime each year. Even if you don't have shipping costs as high as we do here if you buy a lot of stuff (as most people do these days) you will easily save money with Prime. And a lot better than trying to cheat the system, IMO.
Well said. I hope one day Amazon catches on to his shenanigan's and ban him from buying from them. What he does is just plain dishonest. :mad:
please explain what is dishonest in getting a product advertised at a lower price? nothing different then buying a "grey" import which is cheaper than buying fron a main dealer. However thank goodness people like you Grumpy are willing to pay full amount for everything allowing people like me and many others to grab a bargain when possible. Even my Sony FDR-AX53 camcorder was advertised at a lower price than everyone else by £50 so grabbed it. The company realised their mistake afterward and up to the price of other retailers.
As the saying goes " fools and their money are quickly parted"
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Hi, I reckon Amazon deserve all they get. They seem very sneaky to me in the way they join people into prime.
It’s not obvious that you are put on prime until you get your bank statement!
please explain what is dishonest in getting a product advertised at a lower price? nothing different then buying a "grey" import which is cheaper than buying fron a main dealer. However thank goodness people like you Grumpy are willing to pay full amount for everything allowing people like me and many others to grab a bargain when possible. Even my Sony FDR-AX53 camcorder was advertised at a lower price than everyone else by £50 so grabbed it. The company realised their mistake afterward and up to the price of other retailers.
As the saying goes " fools and their money are quickly parted"
I'm not going to debate with you about your use of "prime". You know what you did was wrong. 'nough said.
Hi, I reckon Amazon deserve all they get. They seem very sneaky to me in the way they join people into prime.
It’s not obvious that you are put on prime until you get your bank statement!

Really? They didn't put me on Prime, I chose to get it. I've never heard of them just putting people on Prime without their permission. Do you have a credible source for this?