Can someone please tell me the species of bird?? Found on the Atlantic Ocean, May.

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Well-known member
What species is this?? Merlin bird ID gives me nothing.
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They're long-tail ducks, formerly known as oldsquaw. Males and females are differently colored and both have different winter and breeding plumages. They breed in the arctic and winter in the Atlantic. Once in a while we see them on the large lakes in northcentral Pennsylvania, but they're fairly common on the Great Lakes and along the coast.
They're long-tail ducks, formerly known as oldsquaw. Males and females are differently colored and both have different winter and breeding plumages. They breed in the arctic and winter in the Atlantic. Once in a while we see them on the large lakes in northcentral Pennsylvania, but they're fairly common on the Great Lakes and along the coast.
In particular, they are male long-tailed ducks of breeding maturity.