Cantabrian Mountains --- North West Spain

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This small group of mountains, just behind the coastline on North Western Spain, is one of the last remaining haunts of the Spanish Brown Bear (related to the N. American Grizzly, but smaller). It is also a very good habitat for many continental butterflies. A few small villages are present on the valley floors, but most of the young Spaniards are leaving these family homes to live in the bigger cities, consequently the rural areas are reverting to a wilder state, benefiting the re-emergence of all sorts of flora and fauna. Handheld with D750 and Nikon 24-85mm @32mm f22, ISO 250, 1/100 Sec.,20/07/16.
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Very Nice... Beautiful looking!
Thanks Gordon, these mountains form a border between on their northern side a more Atlantic climate due to their proximity to the Bay of Biscay, while the southern slopes merge into a climate more akin to the Mediterranean biosphere, drier and hotter.