Cape Gannets

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Supporting Member
Cape Gannet, Morus capensis, Witmalgas at Bird Island, Lambertsbay, Western Cape, South Africa ! 18 k birds on this island.
D850; 16-35 F/4; F10; 1/200 IS9 90
D850 2019 03 04 4561 1.jpg
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In flight shots D500; 500 PF; f/7.2; 1/2500; ISO 250
00135 A3W D500 0965.jpg
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00611 24X16W D500 0727.jpg
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D500 2019 03 04 0315.jpg
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D500 2019 03 04 0966.jpg
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Another great series. Love number 4 - the way it is looking down and the position of the wings, it is almost as if he is saying "you stupid mob of birds, get out of the way, can't you see I am trying to land?"
Nice series Callie. Should I presume they are nesting on the beach? Given the Northern gannets here nest on high rock cliffs it seems odd to see them so close to the ocean in terms of height.