Car stickers

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A family member sent me this after I bought a new lens.... it's starting to be appropriate. Still cheaper than kids, I guess.
Edit, just to clarify: I should say that I'd never put them on my car...I posted it for the humor. :)
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Good point on the adding temptation for a break-in! I certainly would never put them on my car.

That reminds me of one of the biologists that helps with the owl banding I volunteer with. His car never gets broken into. He has stickers that say "CAUTION VEHICLE MAY CONTAIN LIVE VENEMOUS SNAKES". He often needs to transport them and leaves the transport containers in the car.
A family member sent me this after I bought a new lens.... it's starting to be appropriate. Still cheaper than kids, I guess. :)View attachment 74780
Your just really asking for it !

I see the humor, its very funny, and yes its cheaper than kids LOL, but your going to be told many more times your inviting trouble.

Mate the hassle of windows broken, digging glass out for ever, not only loosing your camera gear but anything else that may be in there. Of course Absolutely i hope it doesn't happen.

Only an opinion
Your just really asking for it !

I see the humor, its very funny, and yes its cheaper than kids LOL, but your going to be told many more times your inviting trouble.

Mate the hassle of windows broken, digging glass out for ever, not only loosing your camera gear but anything else that may be in there. Of course Absolutely i hope it doesn't happen.

Only an opinion
Agreed! I only posted it for the humor value...thanks, Alan
Clever stickers. Just sad that the first concern of putting stickers on our vehicles that tells the world what we value and enjoy is that someone will break into our vehicle.
It’s funny but making yourself a target. I don’t put gun stickers on my truck either. Last thing I want is someone breaking into my truck.
A nicely maintained, relatively expen$ive SUV...and the ability to trace your address for a midnight requisitioning party! Better a low profile, or, a sticker saying "Daisy Hill Doberman Kennel!" :cool:
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