Carry Options in Rain: Z6-III + Z100-400 & 600 PF lenses?

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Following a complete hiatus from photography I’ve been “re-arming” myself with small kit of Nikon gear (two Z6-IIIs and a Z100-400 and a Z 600 PF (and a kit kit les) ) that I think will work fine for some near future wildlife and nature trips coming up.

Some of these trips on the horizon involve the high probability of rain. At my age (77) I don’t do ‘rugged’ hiking ‘off-the-grid’ but I will venture short distances on forest and jungle trails even if rain if present or expected. Going to Costa RIca again in late November.

What I need is some advice on equipment for carrying a camera and lens (preferably a body mounted to one of the two lenses mentioned above) and being able to have two hands free for balance on uneven terrain to protect my two artificial hips in case of slips. It seems like BlackRapid strap-shoulder combinations are popular with many of you. I confess to knowing absolutely nothing about BlackRapid products except for some wrist straps which I’ve used in the past with a small lens and body. Where this might get complicated (at least for me) is the fact that I will have ThinkTank raincovers on a Z6-III and either a Z100-400 or a Z600 PF. Planning to hand hold as I am not taking a tripod. The Nikon foot gets removed and then not sure whether to replace the Nikon foot or just remove it altogether. I think you understand my issue - keeping two hands free for safety, keeping my camera/lens rig protected as much as possible from the elements and reasonably comfortable (at least tolerable) carry/support of the camera/lens rig. I had originally thought that a ThinkTank back pack like the Streerwalker (which has a rain cover) would suffice, but getting a camera and lens out from a backpack for shooting seems cumbersome at best that likely that would cause missing some sudden shooting opportunities. But maybe that’s the best option. So, totally flummoxed, I seek the wisdom of the BCG masses. Thanks, Jim
I have a BR strap to carry 1 body with lens. IU have both lenses and the 600mm are f/4 S TC as well and all three have a Hejnar replacement foot that has a QD hole.
However, that is only for shorter walks and would for sure still prefer to carry my stuff in a backpack. When I read you can have the accidental slip and need to use sometimes both hands to avoid slipping do I not like the foresight of my gear dangling next to me potentially slamming into a rock or something.
The backpack that comes to mind is the NYA-EVO Fjord 36L, a pr etty water resistant backpack that will allow you to carry your gear during a downpour.
Just my 2 cents.
I have a BR strap to carry 1 body with lens. IU have both lenses and the 600mm are f/4 S TC as well and all three have a Hejnar replacement foot that has a QD hole.
However, that is only for shorter walks and would for sure still prefer to carry my stuff in a backpack. When I read you can have the accidental slip and need to use sometimes both hands to avoid slipping do I not like the foresight of my gear dangling next to me potentially slamming into a rock or something.
The backpack that comes to mind is the NYA-EVO Fjord 36L, a pr etty water resistant backpack that will allow you to carry your gear during a downpour.
Just my 2 cents.
Vinnie: Thanks for your response. What you cite about safe guarding equipment (in a backpack) in case of a slip makes a lot of sense. I am thinking the backpack option is the safest. However, the backpack you suggested is a lot bigger than what I need and frankly a bit more money than what I'd like to spend. Of course, anything that's really good is going to be expensive. I get that. I'll see what other ideas might surface. Thanks again.
Take a look at the Cotton Carrier. I love it because it’s on my chest, easy to get to and both hands are free. I carried my Z9/600PF on my chest and the Z8/70-200 on my side with their side holster while in Yellowstone. They also come with a rain cover for protection.