Caught Up in the shoot?

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I had been on a waiting list to tour one of the premier thoroughbred horse farms in the world. When that day came and was put with a group of 5 to be going through at a rather fast pace in order to see 1500 acres, so many horses and landscapes that I found myself no fully prepared. Yes, it happen to me. There's many things I would do if I ever get another chance to return but please give any remarks you want on these photos.
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Nice set. If it were me with a chance to do it again, I would increase the s.s. to at least double of what your focal length is if not a little more (50mm/1/100th). That would help a bit with the sharpness and for the landscape shots I would concentrate on focusing on either the subject (if there is one) or focus on something that's about 1/3rd of the way into the pic and use at least f/8. That way everything is in focus a little better with sharper detail. GL!
See that's what I mean about getting caught up in the exciting visit and enjoyment of seeing such a great horse farm. I appreciate your advice very much.
I used the 24-200 or the Z9 for a couple weeks. It's a sharp lens delivering sharp photos. Negative is it is f4-6.3 and the camera needs set up for the 6.3 end at all times.
The animals in your photos are awesome, well cared for and healthy. I do Polo photos, and will be this weekend. The horses are always number 1 on the list of care by the groomers and riders.
You are like me, I get into it and disregard the slight tilting of straight subjects in our photos, such as doors.