Cherokee Park Hawk

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We went up the park road yesterday to try & get a firsthand idea of how the forest fires had spread, but it had gotten too hazy & smoky by the time we got up high enough. I am really not sure I am prepared to see the damage once things get under control. We were still far enough away to get to see the wildlife though, even spotted a moose bull, we'll save that for another post. This red-tailed hawk caught me by surpsrise, we nearly drove right past it. And I REALLY need to get up to speed on my hand holding skills!
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D500, 400 f2.8 & 1.4 TC- 550MM, 1/2500 @ f8, auto ISO, (1800)
Thank you, I wish that I could have had clearer skies, the smoke was getting bad in the air and I could not process it all away. Glad that I am getting better detail finally, BIF is tricky!