Choice of a wide-angle lens for Z9 for going O/S

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I'll be going to Faroe Island and I have a Tamron 15-30 G2 for wide angle/astro but 150mm ND system is a pain in terms of bulk and possibly weight.
I'm looking for reasonable alternatives. The AUS prices exclude Z 14-24 due to the large filter size. READ large costs.
Any say FX alternative or say prime Z lens such as Z 20mm?
I'm sure someone has been there and could give me advice.
I have plenty of time to look around.
I have a NISI 100 mm filter set and a set of 82mm CPL/ND's
I guess you can tell I'm looking at space/weight and bang for buck.
No personal xperience for Astro but I read that the Nikon Z 17-28/ f2.8 is quite good for Astro. Filter size is a mere 67mm And weighs less than 1 pound.