Colour me impressed - Z50 with Nikon Z 28-400mm

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I ordered for my wife the new Z 28-400mm lens immediately after it was announced and it arrived the day before we took off on our recent Costa Rica vacation. She does not generally try for very challenging shots and does not want to trouble with knowing how to set aperture, shutter speed and ISO. She says it's too technical for her. Before every shoot I set her camera to the most appropriate manual shutter and aperture with auto ISO for the anticipated conditions and I advise her to watch exposure. She does know how to dial in exposure comp when necessary.

When I reviewed her images upon our return I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of shots she made. It seems we finally have a camera and lens combo that she can use all the time and achieve good results. One of our excursions took us to a garden with flowering plants on the edge of a rain forest. We spent a couple of hours there shooting hummingbirds. I set her camera to 1/1000 sec shutter speed, aperture wide open, auto ISO, AFC Wide Small. The Z50 does not have subject detect. I finally got around to edit a few of them this weekend and I'm impressed. I think these are the best quality images she has had probably ever.

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Rassie…excellent shots and I know what you mean about brides and not wanting hassle. Mine has the Z50 2 lens kit…doesn't want any more weight or else the new zoom would be a great addition for her…and is completely uninterested in settings. She shoots in aperture preferred and refuses to use either BBF or change the AF area mode…and refuses to actually monitor focal length, aperture for appropriate DoF, or shutter speed for motion blur elimination. But then…she mostly shoots flowers and artsy shots of trees and sun stars and the like…and after 52 years of being around her I'm not going to change her outlook on it so I quit trying a couple decades ago.
Very impressive. What are the rest of doing spending thousands more on cameras and lenses, lol! I am alway amazed when I go back to look at photos taken with my D100 and the sharpest lenses at the time or my D2X and the 17-55 2.8. I can't hardly see any difference between them and my latest photos taken with mirrorless, just that they are smaller.
Tell you wife that she did an excellent job identifying photo ops, composition and capture! I bet her interest in photography trips will increase, to the benefit of you both!
Your wife's photos have inspired me to get the Z50 with the kit lens of 18-50 to use for street photography. I saw some photos taken with the lens in a review on Photography Life and the sharpness is impressive. I can get a used one with only a 3500 shutter count plus the lens for $800 Cdn.
Tell your wife we love her hummer pictures!

I bought my wife a Z50. It was a used two lens kit. She quite likes it, and the improved quality of her images pleases us both.
She says thanks. I used the D7500 with that same sensor for a couple of years and it's quite capable. It works well in the Z50 as well.
Dis pragtig. Wens ons het hulle hier gehad
Well done to Mrs Erasmus.
Sy sê dankie, Elsa. Sadly, we only have the one type in Ontario, the Ruby-throat. Costa Rica has 54 different ones.
Excellent shots
Thank you. She is thrilled, already started sending some of those to her social media friends.
Rassie…excellent shots and I know what you mean about brides and not wanting hassle. Mine has the Z50 2 lens kit…doesn't want any more weight or else the new zoom would be a great addition for her…and is completely uninterested in settings. She shoots in aperture preferred and refuses to use either BBF or change the AF area mode…and refuses to actually monitor focal length, aperture for appropriate DoF, or shutter speed for motion blur elimination. But then…she mostly shoots flowers and artsy shots of trees and sun stars and the like…and after 52 years of being around her I'm not going to change her outlook on it so I quit trying a couple decades ago.
Anjin, I hear you my friend. I think we should introduce the two of them. They have so much in common, they will get on like a house on fire. :)
Very impressed at the outcome here and she did awesome!!
I showed her all the replies here, George. She says thanks.
Very impressive. What are the rest of doing spending thousands more on cameras and lenses, lol! I am alway amazed when I go back to look at photos taken with my D100 and the sharpest lenses at the time or my D2X and the 17-55 2.8. I can't hardly see any difference between them and my latest photos taken with mirrorless, just that they are smaller.
I will say this: She used a D3300 before the Z50, and we can see how her photography has improved with the Z50 and the Z lenses. It just makes a more capable combo.
Tell you wife that she did an excellent job identifying photo ops, composition and capture! I bet her interest in photography trips will increase, to the benefit of you both!
She thanks you, Karen. She has always had a more artistic bent than me. I'm more technical, setting up the camera properly for the image, getting exposure and composition right, focus, aperture and shutter speed all appropriate for the shot. But she so often sees the potential in a specific scene that I completely miss. Back in our young days we used to shoot the occasional wedding for friends and acquaintances. We worked well as a team since she knew exactly where and how to pose the people, and I took the photos.
Your wife's photos have inspired me to get the Z50 with the kit lens of 18-50 to use for street photography. I saw some photos taken with the lens in a review on Photography Life and the sharpness is impressive. I can get a used one with only a 3500 shutter count plus the lens for $800 Cdn.
Nothing wrong with that. The gear is so small and light it makes for an excellent travel kit.