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General commentary on FPS
Trying out new settings based on Steve's recent video on shooting with max FPS. For me shooting with the Z 50, this means opting for 12-bit vs 14-bit to squeeze out 2 more fps for a max of 11 fps. I'm not sure I consider opting for 12-bit as compromising on image quality (what do you think?) if it means the difference between getting a cool action shot and not. And I know it's cliche to say that photography is about capturing those "fleeting moments" in life but if that's true, then max fps seems like the way to go. So far, I'm optimistic what those extra 2 fps will help me capture.

Common Dolphin
I know this isn't a stellar shot, but I somehow managed to fill the frame with the dolphin (not cropped). Credit given to those extra 2 fps... and luck.

Double-crested Cormorant
This shot isn't even sharp, but I like the rooster tail from the cormorant's tail and how its head was in the sunlight and the rest in shade.

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The common Dolphin is amazing, Normally I would say give the animal more room in the frame, but here it works ti give the image more impact, the pose, just before hitting the water again is perfect.