Common Nighthawk encounter

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Hello! I am pretty new here, and I wanted to share at least one photo that I have taken that I am fond of. Heres the story behind this one:
Common Nighthawk : Nikon D500 | Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6 | 1/1600" F/8 ISO 1000

Walking my local park at dusk, I was looking for a rare Prothonotary Warbler reported that morning. After some time searching, I came up short. I had one more place in mind the warbler might have been hanging out, and that would be my final attempt. I came to the area, and unsurprisingly, there was no warbler. on my way out I heard an interesting noise in the marsh. At first it sounded like an American Woodcock, but upon approaching I saw it was a Common Nighthawk! It was the first time I had seen one that year, so I was very happy to see one. I walked over a few bridges until I was looking over the river, with a great view of the flying nighthawk. I waited for about 15 minutes, and the Common Nighthawk flew all around, sometimes coming right overhead, and sometimes flying past the trees in the distance. After a while, I noticed the waxing crescent moon right above my head. I hatched an idea. it seemed nearly impossible, but I thought if I could capture the nighthawk flying right in front of the moon, it would make for a contest-winning shot. Despite my intense doubt, I waited. I watched the nighthawk for another long while, standing patiently for the perfect moment. The bird was very fast and unpredictable in its flight, making sudden turns and banks in the air, and was difficult to keep in the frame, and especially in focus. Suddenly, in a split second, it happened. I watched the nighthawk fly directly in front of the moon through my viewfinder, and I desperately fired away. In disbelief, I carefully checked my LCD for the photo and at last, the wait paid off.