Company or guide for bird photography trip to Guatemala?

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My son and I just returned very successful photo tour of Churchill recently (with Glenn Bartley, discussed in another thread). Now we are thinking about a trip to Costa Rica or maybe Guatemala, where I have not been except a quick visit to Tikal during a Belize tour. For Costa Rica there are guides and tours readily available, but for Guatemala not so much. There are a few companies advertising online that they provide private photo-centered tours, but the responsiveness of these firms has not been all that encouraging.

Does anyone have a suggestion for a company or particular guide who might set up a bird photography tour of maybe 9-10 days in Guatemala, one that might help us to get images of some of the Guatemalan specialties? Any experiences to share?

Doug Greenberg
I start by looking for a wildlife photographer in the country and look at their website. If it looks good then I contact the person and see if they are available. They may not be a full time professional but that is not important. They provide me as a driver and translator as well as a guide.

With my trips to Costa Rica I used a guide one time and that was because it was a last minute decision and the guide arranged the lodging and logistics for us and there was a total of 4 people including the guide. Otherwise it was better to find a local guide that was recommended at the lodging location as they know what is where and when.

Something on my bucket list has been a trip to the Yucatan to photograph the temple ruins and to photograph the flamingos. One can fly to Cancun and take the ferry to the mainland and then rent a car in Merida or take a bus south.
Ok, I could not identify online a Guatemalan bird photographer who also does guiding, so I went to plan b, which was to consult North American bird photographers who have undertaken significant trips to Guatemala, and to find out how they were guided. I reached a contact this way, a fellow who primarily is a bird guide but who one well-known bird photographer said also "knows photography." This would be a private tour, no tour company, and some preliminary discussion has commenced. We shall see how this turns out.
Thanks for the suggestions. At this moment I am thinking maybe my son and I will settle on a trip to Costa Rica after all. It would be much easier in terms of logistics, etc.