Condensation inside lens...advice please

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Hi all, a couple of weeks ago I used my 400mm f2.8 in the rain, used it yesterday morning and was ok until the sun came up and then it developed condensation on the second element from the front glass, any suggestions please
I had a water drop incident a while back and sat my gear in front of an electric heater (at a distance not to get too warm) for a couple of hours, cleared it up well as the heater dry's the air out also. From there I used desiccant bags for a few days to make sure.
Closed container with dessicant, leave it there for a week. If you want to use rice, you could put it in a cloth bag, as long as the air can circulate. If this is going to be a repeated event, you could invest in a dry cabinet. I've seen them on the B&H site....not cheap.
Take the front element out and dry it though it will now be moist all through or put it in a bag of rice or send it for repair .

Taking out the front element of the lens is a very bad idea unless you have the expertise and equipment to re-assemble the lens. It is best to leave this to professionals.

I had a water drop incident a while back and sat my gear in front of an electric heater (at a distance not to get too warm) for a couple of hours, cleared it up well as the heater dry's the air out also. From there I used desiccant bags for a few days to make sure.
I've done the same thing for the same reasons :) Also used a hair dryer and really warmed the lens up - condensation was gone and never returned. Good thing too - I was on an extended trip when it happened and needed the lens!