Copy Images Card to Card Nikon Z9/8 - No Skip All

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Hooligans Imagery

Michael H
Supporting Member
Trying to follow the Reference Guide to implement a backup plan and not sure the options will make it easy.
When trying to copy images there is no Skip ALL.
I want to use CFe cards for backup and not take a reader or other alternative.

Is there a way to only copy ONLY new images? I can't figure it out.

Day 1 - copy images
Day 2 - either have to recopy all the images or select which images to copy (not practical).

The camera will let you skip one image but not all images so again not practical to hit OK to each image to skip.

Am I missing something?

Karens thread on the CFe price differences got me interested in this topic again.
PS I posted at DPReview too.
Can't you create a new folder after copying and next time only select the new folder? I've not tried it but the wording in the reference guide mentions copying folders so maybe give that a try.

Another workaround would be to separate shooting cards and storage cards. Then each day/shoot after copying new images to two storage cards simply format the shooting card and start over. Also seems like for storage cards you could use larger/slower/less expensive cards.
Thanks Dan, I could do new folders, but I will for sure forget some days.
I am not sure the multiple card idea works unless I have a card for each day - and if I format the shooting card I don't have a copy there.

I would NOT use this method on a wildlife trip as I would have a bigger pack and could take a laptop and reader. This is for a non-wildlife trip like we just did to Germany for 16 days. I want to have my two main cards with duplicate NEFs. I don't want to take one with me and risk damaging it or losing it. These are my better cards. I wanted an easy, simple way to have a copies on a slower card to have with me when I leave the camera behind. Doesn't seem possible with the current options.
I have confirmed that all I can really do is copy all images so that means formatting the card and copying all each day. The other choice is to use a PD USB hub and take my card reader and copy to a Samsung T7 that I will have with me anyway.
Other people have suggested I make a new folder each day. My thought is at 65, I'll be too tired at night and forget some nights. Blame it on the Sake, Whiskey, bratwurst, pasta, not to mention desert, or just damn good company. On a 2-3 week trip I won't have the discipline. I'll report back on how my $25 PD hub works after I get it this week.