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This is the first time I have managed to photograph cormorant so here you go.
WildlifeRaw Photo (13)DENOISED (1).jpg
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Very nice composition and soft light, complimentary background, technically very good, but I think it lacks a gesture or some sort of feeling from the bird. Kind of like the bird on a stick syndrome. Still, it’s a lovely photo.
Very nice composition and soft light, complimentary background, technically very good, but I think it lacks a gesture or some sort of feeling from the bird. Kind of like the bird on a stick syndrome. Still, it’s a lovely photo.
Yes, that is true to an extent. I think this looks better than some others except the one straight on because it shows that white patch.
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Beautiful shots.
I have been longing to photography a cormorant from a close distance. They make amazing close up pictures.
Their eyes are by far the most beautiful among all birds. They are shy and dont like proximity with humans.
Try get their eyes in a clean shot, I am sure you love the picture.

Good luck,