Costa Rica first visit: gear help!

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Hi everyone, I'm a relative amateur to wildlife photography. My wife and I are going to Costa Rica for 10 days , and I'm super excited. I just wanted to check what can I do, photography wise.

I have Z6 and this question is for the longer side of lenses. I am not taking tripod and all the work will be done handhold. Whatever I buy will be a used copy.

First thing first - My ideal lens is supposed to be Z 600mm f/6.3. But I don't have $4000 to spend on it as of now. Thought of rental, but then I will be paying $320 for rent it. One wild thought was, buy it, use it and sell it for $3800. Still not sure about it.
One alternate is to buy 500 pf. Used copy can be bought for $1500 easy. I will be 100mm less than 600mm, but probably not huge deal. Sharpness and IQ will remain close.

Second - 70-200mm f/2.8 or 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6. Though 70-200 will be fast and can help in isolating bird on tree branches with nice bokeh, but how many times bird will be sitting in this range, is question. Here 100-400 range may work better ?
I can add TC-1.4X and make it 98-280mm f/4 (TC-2.0X is just acceptable as I read).

Third - Forget all complication and get 100-400mm with TC-1.4X, that is it. As I read, this lens is very nice, but still a consumer grade and TC will make it slower, which clearly won't match to 500 pf. I would like to hear your opinions on this.

What do you all think of this? Please guide.

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