Courting couple in the Great Bear Rainforest

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Well-known member
I'm not long back from a fabulous trip with Brad Hill in the Great Bear Rainforest - much postponed from 2020... but worth the wait! We watched this courting couple for several hours as they allowed us a glimpse into their life - she was NOT for being ignored and the huge boar was incredibly gentle and patient with all the slapping around he received!
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WOW! #2 is outstanding! Really excellent!

I'm going on a trip with Brad in 2023!!!! Would the 800mm have been useful? What about the new 400mm f4.5? If you could take any Nikon lenses, which would be your choices?
WOW! #2 is outstanding! Really excellent!

I'm going on a trip with Brad in 2023!!!! Would the 800mm have been useful? What about the new 400mm f4.5? If you could take any Nikon lenses, which would be your choices?
Personally, I think the 800 would be too much lens for MOST (almost all) of the time. This was my 5th trip with Brad, and I’ve never wanted more than the 500 (well, maybe 600, but I’m not strong enough 😂). You absolutely need a zoom - I’m still waiting for my 100-400, so “made do” with my old 80-400, and on previous trips that involved more whales, was VERY glad to be able to zoom in and out. On this trip, I don’t think I took the 500PF off the Z9, but I did have variouts zooms on a z6ii - 24-70 kept coming up just a BIT too short - wished I had the new 24-120 ( which Brad has, and loves).
which trip are you doing?
and… thank you!
I'm not long back from a fabulous trip with Brad Hill in the Great Bear Rainforest - much postponed from 2020... but worth the wait! We watched this courting couple for several hours as they allowed us a glimpse into their life - she was NOT for being ignored and the huge boar was incredibly gentle and patient with all the slapping around he received!View attachment 42000View attachment 42001
What an awesome experience!👍👍👍👍
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Couple of nice images. Crazy size difference in those two. Big boar and a really small/lean sow. Glad you enjoyed your trip. Every year I think about going down there.
Couple of nice images. Crazy size difference in those two. Big boar and a really small/lean sow. Glad you enjoyed your trip. Every year I think about going down there.
Thanks Dan…. Go! Every time I’ve been it’s been a different “featured animal du jour” - grizzlies, sea otters, humpbacks, black and spirit bears…. I love it there!
I'm not long back from a fabulous trip with Brad Hill in the Great Bear Rainforest - much postponed from 2020... but worth the wait! We watched this courting couple for several hours as they allowed us a glimpse into their life - she was NOT for being ignored and the huge boar was incredibly gentle and patient with all the slapping around he received!View attachment 42000View attachment 42001
Great shots, lovely light!