Coyote hunting voles

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Excellent outcome of your session! I like the sharpness of the subject together with the isolation of the background.
Also composition and facial expression convinces me. 5 out of 5 from my side!
Came across a couple of coyotes while shooting raptors at my favourite shooting area, I normally don't photograph mammals but this was such a beautiful specimen. I've seen them before in this location however they were very active today hunting voles in the tall grass prairie.
DSC01760 by Jose Raposo, on Flickr

DSC00507 by Jose Raposo, on Flickr

DSC05899 by Jose Raposo, on Flickr

DSC08521 by Jose Raposo, on Flickr

DSC09316 by Jose Raposo, on Flickr

DSC09340 by Jose Raposo, on Flickr
Awesome series👍👍👍