CPL filter big lenses

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I’ve used circular polarizers quite often. No problems at all. You do lose light but when you’re wanting the filter it’s a good thing as you’re losing light you don’t want in the image. I’ve never had AF issues with a polarizer but I suppose in some weird cases it could be an issue if your shutter speed is too short to let enough light in.
AF decline is less in mirrorless than in F mount due to the way the af works. That said, af does take a hit, just not as much. The CPL's for the exotics are expensive. I have one for my 600 EFL but to be honest, don't use it. I did use it for a time on my 500EFL as an ND filter but have since decided to just bump the f stop instead; I like the results better. Typical Nikon drop in CPL is about 1 stop, a little more if the polarizing effect is stronger.
I have not checked AF performance because I only use polarizers for landscapes (eg static shots). For wildlife it seems impractical, not only due to reduced light intake, but because you have to adjust the filter every time you change the angle you are shooting. Unless the wildlife is staying in one place, it wouldn't work well IMO.

As for Nikon Z or Sony E or any other brand, I don't think camera/lens brand makes a difference.
Just a reminder: if your camera doesn't have a beam splitter e.g. semi-transparent mirror in the optical path a linear polarizer will work just as well as a circular polarizer. An example of a camera without a semi-transparent mirror is ... wait for it ... a mirrorless camera.
Just a reminder: if your camera doesn't have a beam splitter e.g. semi-transparent mirror in the optical path a linear polarizer will work just as well as a circular polarizer. An example of a camera without a semi-transparent mirror is ... wait for it ... a mirrorless camera.

That's good to know, I believe linear eats less light than cpl. But are they readily available in common threads?
I have one that I’ve used in my 200-400, 500, 600 all G series. Gets used very very seldom. I’d say by the time you locate it and get it in the camera you will probably miss the shot. Maybe plan a head and have it in a pocket or already installed in your camera. For a Z lens you’re looking at $500. +.