Crab spider with a bluebottle fly

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Saturday, I went looking for the Goldenrod Crab Spider that I posted previously, but with the drop in the overnight temperature and a light frost, I didn't expect to see her again. She wasn't on the top of the lantana flower she had previously occupied for the better part of a week. Beneath her flower, however, peaking out from underneath a katana leaf was a large (~1/2 inch length) plump fly (a Bluebottle Fly - Calliphora sp ) - in the grasp of a crab spider. I'm pretty sure she is the same individual as this one also was lacking her right pedipalps. No sign of her- or the fly- this morning. But there are two female Monarchs about :)

Image is 5 frames selected from a handheld rocking focus burst, focus stacked, minimal crop for aesthetics.

D850 w/ 105mm micro 1/320 f/6.3 ISO 280

D85_3326_D85_3334 2-Edit-Edit.jpg
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You seem to have quite an infestation going!!!! This guy is going to eat you out of house and home and bugs or is he approaching pet status?:) Another great patient shot!