Crescent Honeyeaters, putting on quite a display, 260624.

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A well known member 🇦🇺 📷
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These 2 Crescent Honeyeaters were in the garden late this afternoon at one of the bird baths and put on a wonderful display that I have never seen before, most enjoyable.
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Very nice!
Thank you, I was very excited witnessing the activity and being able to get images of it happening, it only lasted a few seconds.
Courtship behaviour?
Not totally sure, these 2 look like males, no active fighting, just this display posture which included rapid fluttering of the wings and vibration of the body.
It is very early in the year to be mating behaviour, but possible.

Will ask more experienced bird photographers if this is a common sight, stay tuned.
@Rassie I have consulted a couple of experienced bird watchers and photographers, they agree that the activity is most likely only posturing between males but not necessarily mating behaviour related....yet.
Thanks for asking, I have learnt something more from your question.