Critter thoughts

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What are the general thoughts on this one? There was thick overcast, so pretty low light for this one. I have used way more than I normally would of what I think is a commonly overused slider (saturation) to get any color out of this gloomy day.
Bed Making.jpg
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I really like that image. I think it works on a lot of levels, the composition is great, it's tack sharp where it needs to be, the exposure is great, the background is creamy with just a bit of color interest and the leaves in the mouth add a ton of interest.

Nice job!
Thank you all for the replies. I took this picture on a very gloomy late afternoon. There was a powerful cold front on its way in with temps dipping into the teens in the coming night. This little guy was building up a warmer nest, it seemed. They are pretty destructive for some but are fun to watch as they go about their day. Now, if I could just keep him out of my feeders :(