custom photo backpack ordered

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Today I ordered a custom fitted backpack for photography.

The pack is intended specifically for hiking. I want to be able to carry a full pack of all the camera gear I might want for a full day of hiking and photography.

The pack I am getting has a custom fitted internal frame that keeps the pack close to the body. It also has a suspension system that transfers substantially all weight to the hips and off the back. An already-extended tripod can be secured to the back of the pack for easy deployment.

The guy I am working with is a one-man custom pack designer and builder.

The pack itself is not going to have built in compartments for dividing and protecting equipment. The plan is to use standard internal premade storage packs to divide equipment.

I am looking for internal storage packs that can handle a z 800mm pf and z 600mm pf and a few other short lenses.

Would appreciate feedback and experience with custom photo packs, including suggestions for design.
Someone recently made another post about having custom backpacks made. Before seeing that post, I had no idea this was even a thing.

(Considering the glut of camera bag makers and the numerous offerings, I am surprised there is even a market for this, but clearly there is if people are doing it). Would be nice if you post photos of your pack (with and without gear) once you get it.
I will post.

My problem with the off the shelf packs is they put too much stress on my upper back and I have been getting back pain.

Using a really well-fitted and designed pack I can carry all the weight on my hips and can hike all day with a 40 or more lb load.
A custom made pack sounds great. I am sure it is not inexpensive though. For someone that does not want too or cannot afford it, an alternative might be to use an Osprey backpack (they have numerous models - not inexpensive either) with Peak Design cubes.

I have used Osprey backpacks for hiking, but not for holding camera gear. In my younger days, I could carry 50-60 lbs of gear (non photo) and the Osprey would put almost all of that weight on my hips, and made it so much easier to carry then more "conventional" backpacks. The largest Peak Design cube is 15.8" long, so I don't know if that would hold the 800pf with the camera attached, but I believe it would if not attached.

Hope the custom backpack works out.
A properly fitted good quality off-the-shelf pack such as those made by Osprey (lifetime guarantee) or Gregory or Mystery Ranch will not put strain on the back. I've carried a 60-lb load this way.

For an insert I'd look at the NYA removable camera inserts. Or perhaps the custom pack builder has suggestions, or can do the job.

I will be paying under a grand for the final product. I probably already spent close to that amount on backpacks that are good for storage but don't work for me for hiking.

He gives me a demo unit to test out.. I will post some pictures later.

Basically the pack is a bit larger than standard photo backpacks. It has an internal frame that conforms the natural curve in my back. All the weight is transferred to the substantial hip belt. The upper strap has a two-suspension control system. The upper control pulls the top of the pack closer to me, while the lower straps push from the front into my chest to hold the pack firmly without actually putting weight on the shoulder

the effect is the pack tends to push my shoulders into good posture without adding any downward pressure.; meanwhile all weight goes on the hips so I don't feel any upper back strain.

Carrying weight this way is super easy.

The top part of the internal frame can be removed making the pack a bit less tall.

I found a F Stop Pro ICU in xl that fits perfectly into the pack. It seems big enough to hold the 800mm pf without camera attached with room for other lenses or I can carry the 800 and camera on a blackrapid sling strap while hiking and be able to use it quickly. I think with that insert I can carry pretty much any lens I am likely to use on a day shoot.

I will provide pictures later and keep everyone up on progress. I think it takes a few weeks before the final pack is ready.