Cutting out a face in Photoshop

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I watched this one recently, it really goes deeply down the rabbit hole.

I skimmed your video, and, yes, that's a good explanation of what I do. If you're only doing it once, I guess it seems like a hassle but it's surprisingly straightforward, and knowing how to cut out people with hair is an invaluable skill. Not so much in wildlife photography but it has endless uses in my business and elsewhere. Also, I forgot to ask, but what background remover have you already tried? Adobe Express?
I watched this one recently, it really goes deeply down the rabbit hole.

Thank you for trying to help.

Seems the content isn’t really approved by my filter. I wasn’t able to to watch it.

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Basically it is all about technique within Photoshop and no special plug-ins or software?

Yes. As you see in the video you can try select object and it does a good job but can leave some missed parts in the selection or can select too much of the background that you clean up with the refine tools.

For simpler you could also try the remove object tool or the patch tool in content aware mode.
Here you can Download the current cutout. If you place a dark layer behind the face, the hair will be noticeable.

Question if this is doable, if at all.
It's certainly doable, cutting out curly hair is a recurring task. Working in channels can make it easier. My copy of Photoshop was older than dirt, the video below shows what I often did. Selection tools now are much better than when I started but it might still help.

The quickie removal tool I have recent experience with is Deposit Photo's free background removal tool since I use it with stock photos, the tool usually works OK but I'm not clear on whether you can use it for your own photo as well as their stock. It's here if you want to try:
