Cycle AF Area Mode problem

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I went through the procedure to switch to Cycle AF Area Mode as described by Steve in his great video ( sincere thanks Steve ). I did it first in “Cycle AF Area Mode” and then completed it again in “Focus”. But later when I tried actually cycling through the AF modes “3D Tracking” only shows up in Shoot “B” (HE*). It does not appear in Shoot “A” (Lossless Compressed) or Shoot “C” (JPEG). The camera was in “Shoot “B” mode when I did this, so I did it all over again with camera set to Shoot “A” and Shoot “C.” Still without success. Any suggestions would be be greatly appreciated.
You need to make sure you have all the options checked in the menu to have it show up when you cycle. I think it's A9 on my z9
First of all, thank you very much for your help. A9 on my Z9 is set to “No restrictions.” All the options that I want to use for cycling are checked on both check lists. Those options are: Auto AF, Wide S, Wide L and 3D Tracking and they are all available when cycling in “Shoot B” (HE*). However, when cycling in “Shoot A” (Lossless Compressed RAW) or “Shoot C” (JPEG’s) all options are available except 3D Tracking. So it is 3D Tracking that is missing in two out of three cases. The lists I am checking options on are f2 Cycle AF-area mode and Focus a8.
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Hi, I think you may be in AF-S, If you switch to AF-C, 3D should be available.
Hi, I think you may be in AF-S, If you switch to AF-C, 3D should be available.
I think it is now Sir Maurie_S. Thank you so very much Sir! I really struggled with this and I am so very grateful for your kind and knowledgeable assistance. Best to you Maurice_S.