D 500 Focus Point Illumination

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I presently shoot with both a Nikon D5 and Nikon D500. On both cameras I have turned on Focus Point Illumination. Using Back Button Focus the D5 Focus points will stay illuminated the entire time I am tracking a subject (its set for Single point and dynamic area). I like the feature especially when doing BIF photography. My D 500 is different and I am not sure why. The Focus Point will illuminate for a fraction of a second and then disappear. This happens using either BBF or Shutter release. I have cleaned all the contacts with Deoxit have also "rocket blown" the AF sensors with Mirror up, I usually have by Nikkor 500mm, f 5.6, pf attached. I have even changed lenses using both my Nikon 200-500 and my Nikkor 600mm f 4, it did not make a difference. Has anyone experienced this issue with a Nikon D500, if so have you been able to fix the issue. Any feedback would be appreciated. BTW my firmware is 1.20 and needs to be updated to 1.30 but the reason for the firmware update was not an Autofocus issue.

Thank you
