D750 ergonomics.?

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Good Morning/afternoon/evening. A question to any D750 owners out there. I see all the raves about how well it handles etc but I find that the two func. buttons on the front (lens throat) poorly placed, especially the lower one. It's not in the right place for either of my two last fingers!? I use the two in conjunction. Top for spot metering and the lower to lock that exposure but it's awkward.? It's difficult to keep pressing the top and then press the lower.?!?! Is it just me? Is my hand deformed? 🤣🤣🤣. I use bbf, so that's out of the mix and so is the red video button, I use that for iso. Any ideas? Thanks. Adam.
Well, shape and size of hands play an important role in ergonomics. My friend has pretty big hands and anything smaller than D4S/D5/D6 just makes him getting a cramp after a while because it is so difficult to reach the right spots for operating the camera flawlessly. This is one of the main reasons for not using other/smaller camera bodies apart from landscape work, where you have time and do not rely on fast swithing action like with wildlife. May be it is also a question of conditioning. Beside D750 I am playing organ and piano and that helps :D. No, joke ! Due to the shape of my hands I usually have more problems avoiding to these buttons accidently rather then reaching them.

I guess the best solution would be push the individualization to the limits in times of Industra 4.0 .
Imagine doing a 3D scan of your hands with wour web cam. Then you upload th data to Nikon, choose the functional scope you want from your body a totally new generation of 3D printer then prints the camera body fitting to your hands :love:.

Actually my main ergonomic problem is pressing buttons accidently not only with my fingers but also with my nose sometimes.

Sorry for not presenting teh final solution ...
Hi Adam,

I have the same problem using those buttons in combination - to the point where I just don't do it anymore :(
I have gone back to using the metering button and rear command dial, which I find much easier.
Phew! Thanks Woodpecker and Bristolian. So I'm not a freak! And in no way am I questioning 100 years of camera design by Nikon! I'll make a plan or as you say Bristolian, revert to the original. My D300 was just sooooo much better.! Is there any way of transfering the insides of a D750 to a D300 body? (Don't say buy D500!). 🤣. Be well. Thanks again. Adam.
Woodpecker, yes yes yes, like they make racing bikes to suit your own body! Can you imagine that!? Can you imaging the cost????!!!! I'd have to sell ALOT of very good sunset pics! 🤣