DaVinci Resolve Micro Color Panel thoughts...

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If you're a Resolve user and do anything beyond the most basic color grading, the MCP is a game changer compared to using a mouse or touch panel. Curious to hear if anyone else has jumped one on of these and what your thoughts might be.

I picked one up back in May and I can't imagine working without it...and it's small and light enough to travel with, which I did on my recent month-long trip out to ID in my truck camper. Making adjustments is so much more controllable and intuitive, though building some muscle memory does take some time and frequent use. Connection to my desktop or laptop (both Windows 11) via Bluetooth or USB has been trouble-free, though it does take a few seconds to come out of sleep mode when connecting via Bluetooth. With USB, it starts up when DVR opens, so is ready to go immediately. Battery life when operating on BT is outstanding.

At $500 it's probably not an impulse buy for most people, but if you're working with RAW or Log clips shot at different times under different conditions on a regular basis, I'd say it's a bargain, Unfortunately, unlike the Speed Editor, it does NOT come with a copy of Resolve Studio, but I already have that.
