That's really such a cool place, looking down on Canyonlands NP. That's one of the parks we really, really enjoyed. Driving out the top of the canyon from the north is pretty cool…but then there's going down through Moab to the southern entrance where you're down in the canyon bottoms. Despite having been to Yellowstone, Tetons, Smokies, Yosemite, and Arches several times each (as well as Canyonlands)…the bottom in the canyon drive was one of the few places where eery time we went around a bend in the road we went "wow!". I love the west…but appreciate the fact that out here in FL there are actual green things and something other than hot/dry sand. And I wouldn't want to be there in the winter…no snow for this guy…if I have to change out of shorts and a T shirt (or Hawaiian shirt if we're going out) then I think something is wrong. We actually camped there at Dead Horse SP for a night back in our RV days…at least I think we did but we were there several times and maybe we just parked the rig in the parking lot and had photos and a picnic.