Delicate Arch

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Delicate Arch, Arches National Park of Utah license plate fame from October 2011. Must of been about 300 people ringing the bowl waiting for sundown to occur. As late comers to the arch wanted their pictures taken under the arch the crowd would “boo” until they got their shot & then left to a chorus of cheers. It was a lot of fun. As the sun sat the magic began. How I wish I had been shooting Astro shots at that time, but it’s a building process (just takes some of us a bit longer). Southern Utah. An absolutely stunning area. Thanks
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Great DoF Bill from the arch through to the background . Super effort in getting a clear shot considering the throng. Sunset lighting from behind licks out the arch details nicely and also casts a nice glow of the background rock faces
Great DoF Bill from the arch through to the background . Super effort in getting a clear shot considering the throng. Sunset lighting from behind licks out the arch details nicely and also casts a nice glow of the background rock faces
Thanks, fortunately by the time this was taken, everyone had the same idea of the arch WITHOUT anyone in the shot, so no one was encroaching on the arch. It was fun just watching the lighting effect as the sun went down. Thank you sincerely for your comments.
Beautiful shot Bill. I especially like the sun just kissing the nearest hills. I have waited there for a long time for people to stop taking selfies up close.
