Delkin Devices 325GB BLACK CFexpress Type B Memory Card on sale

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Yes the newer version has G4 on it though I have been using the older one's without any problems:
If the B&H website is correct, the newer card has a slightly slower minimum sustained write speed than the older card. Not sure it is enough to make much of a practical difference. But odd that the newer card seems slower on the minimum sustained write speed, as I assume that is what matters most for bursts in a Z8 or Z9.
If the B&H website is correct, the newer card has a slightly slower minimum sustained write speed than the older card. Not sure it is enough to make much of a practical difference. But odd that the newer card seems slower on the minimum sustained write speed, as I assume that is what matters most for bursts in a Z8 or Z9.
Cost cutting for the G4. They can sell more. The old was $500.
Well, that was a quick emotional roller coaster....

$200 ea - Excitement, as I have several and really like them, particularly on sale.
"New" G4 model available, and normal price is lower than original - Bummer
Specs: Old version has higher sustained write and max read speeds than the new one - Excited again

I grabbed a couple more since they were on sale and are known quality.

Thank you Jerry, for pointing this out today.
Thanks for the heads up, bought one. I’ve been wanting a good extra card to go along with the 128 that I have before a trip to Ireland this Spring.
Best to all,
I’m not seeing that price… at BH the 650 is $549. :(

EDIT: I see what you’re referring to now… the Power version is $269. I was looking at the Black.
for $70 more than the sale price of this card, you could get the 650GB version of the delkin power g4 and the performance specs jump up dramatically starting with 650GB
The 650 gb G4 Power card looks quite attractive in cost without giving up much in minimum sustained write speed. I have one.

Any disadvantages you know of versus Black cards? I have a number of those too. One thing I like about the Black cards is that they seem to run (in camera and in a card reader) fairly cool, especially when compared to the Sandisk Extreme Pro 128 gb CFe cards I use in my Z7II. I haven’t used my 650 gb Power G4 card yet enough to compare.
the sandisks are pretty much on the "only use this card to keep a backup of your settings". they, and the old lexars run super hot. i haven't thrown my lexar away, but i certainly don't use it

that is to say, none of the newer, high quality cards are likely to be anywhere near as bad as those old cards