Delta sunset

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Saw this sky on my way home from work the other evening. I don't normally leave from work and drive past this location for home, but did last week. Stopped on the side of the road to catch this skyline.
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Wow. Used to drive out that way all the time back in the day. Tough subject to photograph because I wouldn't have known where to point my camera, but you did splendidly.
Thank you. I think there is a lot of beauty to see over there.

I found a private obersvation deck just up the hill from this location last year. I need to try to find out who owns it to see if I could get permission to photograph from it. In that spot, there are no trees below the public road or this observation deck which would make for one of the most stunning views to be had in the state. If not, I guess I could just stand in the middle of the road. Not many folks travel these backroads like I do...