Desert Monsoon

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Well-known member
Apparently it rains in the desert! Last week I was in Tucson, AZ for a couple days and was treated to an awesome display of weather. I was able to capture this afternoon thunderstorm that moved quickly over the Santa Catalina Mountains just north of the city.

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Nice photo! It rains enough at times to cause flash floods in the Arizona and California deserts. But I guess you know that, I just noticed the title of your post 🙂
Nice photo! It rains enough at times to cause flash floods in the Arizona and California deserts. But I guess you know that, I just noticed the title of your post 🙂
It was really neat to see the small, localized storms move around the area. Definitely didn’t expect that coming to the desert. I did some reading about the typical monsoon season in the south west US after. Very interesting!
Really nice (coming from a Tucson resident). In fact we had a storm blow through just a few minutes ago.
Thanks! Tucson is a very cool area and I didn’t know about the monsoon season. I had been once before in February a couple years ago. Definitely not as hot as it was when I was there last week!

I have a few other landscape and wildlife photos to share and I’ll be back in a couple months to hopefully get some more.
Great shot with interesting light and dramatic clouds.
Thank you!
OMG! I spent over a decade in Northern New Mexico where this kind of thing happens as well, and had perhaps one moment in all that time where I saw a sky this dramatic! I have a photo shot on transparency film, but it's nothing compared to this!