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Larry S.

Well-known member
Supporting Member
This morning, April 9th, a new avian creature appeared on our creek. Never seen one of these before. God must have had a sense of humor designing this character. A composite of swan, vulture and (check the head)…. Elvis or the Everly Brothers. Meet the Muscovy Duck! Lost & found and too fat to fly! Guide book also says they have an attitude issue…. Lovely… 😒
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These ducks have huge feet and and appetites. Apparently, if you make the mistake of feeding them they adopt you as a food source (so I read)..
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Very neat shot, Larry! And a face only a mother could love. I almost see some human characteristics in that face.
Thanks Koos! We had not seen these before so we looked them up….. apparently there are wild and domestic varieties of muscovy ducks. This one resembles the domestic type. According to what we found on the internet, they were kept by Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas…. If it becomes obnoxious I’ll see what recipes are out there.😂 Makes me wonder if this guy is simply lost or “dropped-off” by someone trying to get rid of a problem….🤔